Home / CONVEGNI E SEMINARI / 11th Annual Symposium of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe


Dal 24 Giugno al 3 Luglio 2020 si svolgerà l’11o Simposio  Annuale del Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe

in tema di

Waging War and Making Peace: European Ways of Inciting and Containing Armed Conflict, 1648–2020

The history of Europe is as much about violence and divisions – including religious wars, national clashes and ideological conflicts – as it is about shared cultural, social and economic accomplishments. If war has been such a constant presence in the history unfolding on the continent, the incessant efforts to limit its destructiveness are also an undeniable fact. It was such efforts that eventually led to the birth of Jus ad bellum and, ultimately, laid down the foundations of modern international law. From such a viewpoint, one might even find another definition of what European history might be.

Some scholars have suggested that if war has structured a common European space, the containment of violence and the art of peacemaking have constituted ‘Europe’ in thought and practice. In the second half of the eighteenth century, however, Voltaire asserted that the propensity to war and destruction had taken much less possession of the minds of the people of India and China, than of the minds of Europeans, arguing that war has also constituted ‘Europe’ in thought and practice.

All this raises the question what, if anything, may be regarded as ‘typically European’ in ideas of war and peace that referred to, or originated within, Europe and its space. In our conference discussion, we will try to find out whether there are long-term patterns of ‘Europe’-related discourses concerning peace and war, and if so, what they consist of.

Il programma e ulteriori dettagli sono disponibili alla pagina: http://www.ideasofeurope.org/waging-war-and-making-peace/